maandag 17 oktober 2011

How to begin a blog?

On this blog, I hope to share my thoughts about travel, photography and culture. I start modestly, but I hope you'll enjoy yourself.
This was shot on a alpine meadow in Slovenia, 2006. Slovenia is an amazing little country, it straddles the borders between Mediterranean and Slavic Europe, and it has a bit of the (extended) Alps as well as gorgeous bits of coast that remind me of the best parts of Italy. Amazingly, this little spot was a bit boring. We were lodged in an eco-farm B&B. The ad had said that all modern languages were spoken, but in fact we had to do with the oldest son's scattered bits of German. The food however was eco, terrific and came in huge quantities. This was taken with my old Canon 350 and its standard lens. The light was amazing, but I had to do some masking, curves etc. to restore it the original mood and memory.

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